We all have those friends we can call to grab a coffee or tea, go thrift shopping, or hang out. These are the friends that you make memorable moments with. Have you ever noticed how amazing it is to make friends as an adult? It's beautiful to realize that you don't have to share every interest to have a meaningful connection with someone. Some of the best friendships come from those who bring unique perspectives and experiences. Don't you agree?
I can go over to a close friend's house, sit there with a book, my crochet, or my laptop, and she will go about cleaning or whatever she is working on. We also have times when we are talking about everything under the sun. The topics range from her toddler and baby to my teenage boys. I asked her for help if I did not understand algebra, which I am teaching this year. She is also one of my friends with whom I can converse personally, especially when seeking biblical counsel.
We do have similar interests. We can read the same book, discuss it, and get similar and different thoughts. I love recommending books and authors to my friends. I also love receiving recommendations as well.
Every Monday night, I have some friends over for dinner. After eating, we stay at the table to enjoy the company. Someone brings a game, or we can sit around and talk. It is usually about general stuff, but we always discuss something about the Bible. A friend brought over a Pride and Prejudice card game, so we all learned to play Whist.
Let's get back to discussing the conversations we have over coffee. I enjoy going out for coffee and just catching up with people. You might see them at church on Sunday and Wednesday, but your conversation is different when it is a little more private. My pastor's wife has given great advice on many coffee dates. There is something that makes it easier to open up about things when sharing a cup of coffee. It is that time when you get those conversations going, and the topics can run the gamut.
Whether it concerns books, shopping, kids, fears, marriage, ideas, challenges, or goals, we are here to encourage, give advice, and help each other no matter your life stage. The friendships we make as adults are on a deeper level than the friends we have in our children and teen years. They are the ones to whom their kids call you auntie, but you aren't related.
The friendships we make as adults are unique and special. We don't have to share all the same interests or hobbies to form meaningful connections. It's the diverse perspectives and experiences that make these friendships so valuable. Whether over coffee, dinner, or just hanging out at home, these moments with friends create memories that last a lifetime. So, cherish your friendships, and don't be afraid to make new ones. You don't need to know who you will meet along the way. A favorite quote from JRR Tolkien is, "Not all who wander are lost." So, enjoy the people that God will put in your life. I would love to make new connections through this blog. Please reach out. I would also love any book recommendations.