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- I am so Excited to Be Back
I know it has been a while since I have posted here. I have missed writing. My surgery was on July 12th and my recovery has been a struggle. The funny thing about recovery is that it usually requires you to be still and rest. I did not think it would be hard to do, but boy was it. First of all, I wanted to let everyone know that my surgery went well. The doctors were pleased with the entire process. They did tell me it was one of the largest thyroids they have ever removed. I was only in the hospital one day. I was so ready to go home! I left the hospital with a drain tube in my chest. My wonderful husband and sons were the best nurses. Will took my vitals that we had to watch over, emptied my drain tube, helped in the shower, and also took walks with me. I did not know how much my balance would be affected. I went back to my doctor about 3 or 4 days later. I was having my drain tube removed (Wow! Did that hurt!) He checked my scar and checked to see how it was all healing. I got a good report and was told to rest and take it easy. Here’s where the wrench was thrown into the plan for resting and healing. My sister who lives in China and her husband Jack (whom we had never met) came to visit. I was so excited. I may have overdone it by being busy. She tried to get me to slow down and listen to my body. I was just having so much fun doing things with them. Then my sister from California came out for the bridal shower for my (at the time soon-to-be) sister-in-law. I was even more active. They tried to get me to slow down but I was just enjoying having them all out here. The surgery affected my vocal cords and recovery there has been very slow. My voice was really deep, and I struggled with the realization I could not sing. Since then my voice has improved, but still wears out. I can sing but it is not base anymore, but it is not yet alto either. My doctor told me I just needed to be patient and let it heal. This has been extremely hard for me since I love to sing, especially at church. That is one of the hardest things is to stand there in church and not join in the worship. It has also taken me a while to get my energy back and begin to feel normal again. They were able to get my thyroid hormone leveled out with medication. I did not realize how long it was going to take to recover. I was thinking I would be back to normal in no time. No such luck. I have discovered I am not a patient person. Through this God has shown me some things I need to work on in my life. I need to learn to say no to some things. It is a fear I struggle with of disappointing someone. I tend to take on too much. After my brother's wedding, my husband, the boys, and I went on our annual camping trip. I was able to get some much-needed rest. I was able to sit on the couch and read. I read three books by the way. I took some beautiful walks with either my husband or our dog. I enjoyed the slow pace. Coming back from the camping trip and trying to jump into the routine was not easy for me. I was still struggling with energy and being able to focus clearly. I still struggle with this, but it is getting better each day. I also am listening to my body more and know when I need to slow down. Here is a quick before and after picture. You can tell such a difference in my neck. Before surgery After Surgery Thank you for all the prayers and encouragement I received during this time. I appreciate the thoughtfulness of my family and friends. Everyone is such a blessing from God. He knows when to bring people into my life. He also has given me people who will speak truth to me whether I want to hear it or not. I am excited to get back into the swing of writing for you again. I have many ideas for many topics.
- Proverbs 1: The beginning of Wisdom
We are going to be reading through Chapter 1 of Proverbs. Open your Bibles and read along as we study Chapter 1. In my Bible, Chapter 1 is broken up into three sections. The first is the Beginning of Wisdom (1-7). The second is The Enticement of Sinners (8-19). The last one is the Call of Wisdom (20-33). Let us dive in and see what Chapter 1 discusses: gaining wisdom or being a fool. The Beginning of Wisdom At the beginning of the chapter, we are told that wisdom is practical. We use wisdom in our everyday lives. We are also told that wisdom is for everyone. Verse two says to know wisdom is to understand words and have insight. The Proverbs are for us to know wisdom; so, we need to pay attention and listen as we read through each of the chapters. The word "instruction" in verse two means discipline, by which men are trained. "Understanding" in verse two means the words that help us see the distinction between good and evil. This is why it is so important to know the Word of God. In verse three we see that by receiving the instructions we obtain the qualities of one in a right relationship with God. Verse four says, "To give prudence to the simple and discretion to the youth". The definition of prudence is the divine wisdom that illuminates our choices. The definition of discretion is the quality of being wise, reasonable, and prudent in choice and use. We need to be in the Word of God to gain wisdom. In the introduction, we saw that wisdom comes from God. Wisdom also comes to those who hear and can be taught. It helps if you are teachable no matter what season of life you are in. We will not always want to hear in those teachable moments especially when it hurts. But those are times when God is growing us and changing us to be more like him. If it does not hurt or is not uncomfortable then we are not growing. We want to be constantly growing to be more like him. We do not want to be like the church in the book of Revelation, where we have lost our first love. The more you know God the more you will love him. The way to know him more is to be in his word gaining the wisdom he has provided. Verse seven talks about "the fear of the Lord" and that it is the beginning of wisdom. This "fear" requires humility at its foundation. When we embrace humility, we become more receptive to God's teachings and allow the Holy Spirit to guide us. So, humility is needed to gain both knowledge and wisdom. Also in verse seven, it says that fools despise these things. They are indifferent to God's character. As Christians, we are to emulate God's character and not be a fool in our choices and actions. Those who are not humble will not be willing to gain knowledge and wisdom. They will not want to learn. The Enticement of Sinners In verses 8-19, the author gives us a warning and tells us what happens to those who give into the temptations of the foolish. There is pain and suffering following the path of fools. Verse 13 shows an example of I Timothy 6:10 which says, "For the love of money is the root of all evil, which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows." We need to be careful what we let take root in our hearts. Deep roots are hard to remove. Verse 19 says, " Such are the ways of everyone who is greedy for unjust gains; it takes away the life of its possessors." We sing a song at our church with our kid's club called If Sinner's Entice Thee. If sinners entice you don't give in. Say No, Say No If sinners entice you don't give in Say No, No, No! Say No to your friends who want you to sin. Say No to the devil who wants to win. If sinners entice you don't give in Say No, No, No! Be careful with the people you let into your inner circle or community. We want only those who encourage us in truth and keep us accountable in our walk with God. In Luke 5:18-25 we see the story of the paralytic man whose friends brought him to Jesus to be healed. When they could not find a way inside, they lowered him through the roof. In verse twenty it says, "When he saw their faith, he said, "Man your sins are forgiven." It was because of his friend's faith that he was healed. That is why you must have fellow believers in your inner circle. The Call of Wisdom In verse 20-22, the author says, "Wisdom cries aloud in the street, in the markets she raises her voice; at the end of the noisy streets she cries out; at the entrance of the city gates, she speaks: "How long, O simple ones, will you love being simple? How long will scoffers delight in their scoffing and fools hate knowledge?" Wisdom is making herself known. She is calling to those around her. She wants everyone to follow her. She wants everyone to gain understanding and not remain among the foolish. In verse twenty-three she tells us to turn away from our sins and the foolish, she will pour out her spirit on us so we will have understanding. In the notes in my Bible, it says that Wisdom speaks in a way the evokes the words of the Lord. Verses 24-33 tell what happens to those who do not listen to Wisdom and follow after fools. She will not be there for them when they cry out to her. The author says in verses 27-28, "When terror strikes you like a storm and your calamity comes like a whirlwind when distress and anguish come upon you, Then they will call upon me, but I will not answer, they will seek me diligently but will not find me." I do not know about you but I do not want to cut myself off from the help and guidance that the Lord provides us. When we follow our path, it will lead to foolishness and trouble. Following God's path, we will gain wisdom and understanding. We will be guided through whatever we are going through. Verses 31-32 say, "therefore they shall eat the fruit or their own way and have their fill of their own devices. For the simple are killed by their turning away, and complacency of fools destroys them;" But in verse thirty-three she tells us, "But whoever listens to me will dwell secure and will be at ease, without dread of disaster." The warning in verses 27-28 means do not wait to seek the Lord, eventually it might be too late. He will no longer hear you. In verse thirty-three, however, we are given hope if we listen and follow after the Lord. Listening to wisdom seems like so much better end of things. We gain so much when we search for wisdom. We can have understanding, peace, security, comfort, and guidance. We are not left alone to our own devices; we will have a helper. I take comfort in knowing I will not have to go through anything alone. God is always with me. My pastor's wife said, "I'm not sure that seeking wisdom always provides instant comfort.... But there is a comfort in knowing that I am obedient to God when seeking wisdom." So, as we go through Proverbs, let's look for ways in each or our lives to seek wisdom and God's guidance. You need to find ways to keep God in the center of your life. Whether it is reading your Bible every day, listening to worship music, being in church when the doors are open, or surrounding yourself with fellow believers. Thank you for taking the time to read and should you have any questions please contact me.
- Apologies
Thank you to those who have supported this blog since I started. I apologize for not keeping up with the schedule I set. It was a lot harder staying on task than I thought it would be. Between homeschooling and all the other things going on, I have just left it by the wayside. School will be ending on June 6th for us. I will have more time this summer to devote to getting back on track. If there are any topics, you would like to see let me know in the comments or through email.
- My Health and Upcoming Surgery
In November I went in for my yearly check-up. My doctor told me that I either needed to get my weight under control or become a diabetic. I have struggled with my weight and some other health issues since my mid-twenties. Just a little backstory on my health. My husband and I decided to wait a few years to try and have children. In 2005 we decided it was time to start trying to get pregnant. We were not having any luck but thought nothing of it. At a routine checkup, it was discovered that I had PCOS. This is polycystic ovary syndrome. My doctor at the time explained that my body was producing too much insulin so ovaries would not release the eggs. He said my ovaries looked like grape clusters, which is why when they finally released them. I would have such a heavy and painful cycle. After discussing all my options, we decided to try and work on my diet and lose some weight. The diet was easy and not too strict. I did have to cut out sugar. I was able to drop weight fast. In less than a month, we were pregnant. We did not struggle as long as some of you, but I can empathize. I know how it feels when it is all you want and everyone around you is getting pregnant. This is where I began to struggle with being happy for them. I remembered a verse a lady at church had given me years ago. Psalm 37:4 says, "Delight yourself in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart." I was not delighting in the Lord at this time. It was all about poor me. I began to pray and ask God for the strength to wait on his timing. We had our first child in 2007 and then our second child in 2008. In 2017, we noticed my neck looked swollen. I went to my doctor, and he said we would need to get an ultrasound to see how serious it was. I got the ultrasound which is just as hard to tell what you were looking at as when you look at an early-stage baby ultrasound. Went back to my doctor and discovered I have a goiter on both sides of my thyroid. One was solid and the other was half solid half liquid. I went to an ENT doctor, and they said it was not cancerous which I was thankful for. He did say that it is in overdrive just to read normal and that it would eventually stop working. At the time we did not have insurance and could not afford the surgery, so we waited. I continued to gain weight and lose weight back and forth for quite a few years. Not knowing what to do. So now back to my appointment in November. My doctor discussed options of what I could do. He said with my BMI being so high I could qualify for bariatric surgery. I told him I was not comfortable with that choice and wanted to try as natural of a way that I could. I wanted something that would teach me a sustainable way to lose weight. He suggested an appetite suppressor, changing my diet, and exercising. So, a new journey began. I would take the pill every morning. I noticed a difference in my appetite and wanting to snack. I noticed a small difference right away. My husband also wanted to change his diet. We cut out all sugar and watched the amount of food and carbs we were eating. I was logging my meals and watching my calories. I began to see the weight drop. This also happened right before the holidays. I was able to eat a smaller amount of the things I loved and still lose weight. In January, I began going to the gym with my two boys. I am lying on the floor at the gym doing a workout. They were encouraging me to keep going even when I didn't feel like it. I started noticing more weight come off with adding the gym. I got up the courage to go to the free weights side. It was a bit tougher because I had to control my movements more to avoid injury. So, since November I have lost 26 pounds. I was ecstatic at my last appointment. He also asked me about my thyroid. It had gotten bigger. I told him we were waiting for insurance to come into effect. When the insurance kicked in, we decided to get the ball rolling on seeing what needed to be done for my thyroid. I was able to get an appointment rather quickly at the same office I visited years ago. It was a different doctor. I was a little nervous going in. During the visit, he inserted a camera up my nose and down my throat. He said the good news was that my thyroid was not touching my vocal cords. But he did not like that I could feel it touching my throat. Because of the size of it and the concern of touching my throat, it would need to be completely removed. He talked me through the whole process and put me at ease. I then was able to get the surgery scheduled for this June. It will require a one-night stay in the hospital. At my last checkup, there was no loss but no gain. So, we put our heads together and came up with two new goals for me. My first goal is to be down to 190 by my surgery which is doable if I get my butt in gear. My second goal is farther out. My brother is getting married to one of my close friends. So, I would like to be down to 180 by September. It gives me two months which is good since I will be recovering from surgery and getting set up on my thyroid medication. I feel very positive about the outcome of all of this. I am still slightly nervous about the surgery having never had one before. But I have a great support system with family and friends. many are already praying for the surgery and my recovery. I also have faith in the ultimate physician. I have seen God do amazing healing through prayer, whether it is the person who got better or went home to be with the Lord. His will is done and always brings him glory in every situation. Please do pray for me through this as we are finishing up school and preparing for the surgery. Thank you again for reading my blog. If you have any questions, please email me. I would love to hear from you.
- Homeschooling: My Joys and My Struggles
My husband and I began homeschooling our two boys in 2019. My youngest so was not able to thrive in the classroom. So, after prayer and discussion, we took the plunge into the world of homeschooling. It was overwhelming when I first began researching. Then I was advised, "Find what works best for your family and change it as you go." We have changed our schedule so many times since we started our journey. We look each year at what will work for our family and what will not. The next big step was choosing the correct curriculum. I selected the Bob Jones curriculum. I love it. The layout for the teacher's book makes it so easy to see what you need to teach and what lessons they are on. I also use an online program called Planbook to keep my lesson plans and grades organized. It is user-friendly. We discovered this is what works with both boys. Once that was chosen, I began to doubt that I was smart enough to teach them. Through godly counsel and prayer, I trust God to give me wisdom. When we started, we told our boys this was the same as if they went to school outside the home. They had to get up, shower, have breakfast, and be dressed for the day. We have maintained this philosophy to this day. We wanted them to prepare themselves, even if it was just another day around the house. Our first class is Bible. We have studied books of the Bible. Recently they have been working on their assignments for their Sunday School class. They are learning how to study the Bible more deeply. We are also going through the curriculum from Bob Jones on doctrine. I enjoy going through this with them; it has created great conversations about the Bible. We have a schedule, but it can be flexible when needed. I think a schedule is significant. This is helping them prepare for having jobs when they are adults. One of the reasons I love being involved in their learning is the great conversations we have. Another reason is that I am relearning things I have forgotten since I graduated. I discovered that I still am not fond of Math and Science. They are my least favorite so they can be a bit of a struggle. If it is not challenging, you will not learn and grow. So, I have been learning or relearning Algebra this year. I also try to make Science labs fun by doing the small labs in the textbook. The lab manual with the curriculum is too difficult for a small homeschool class. Plus, the equipment needed is not easily accessible. I like the Mini labs in the textbook, so we do those. With Chemistry this year we tested three biscuit recipes. It was delicious. With Physical Science this year one of the boy's favorite labs was putting mentos in various sodas to see which would shoot the highest. Boy was that exciting. Here are some pictures from other labs that we have done. Balancing equation lab Biscuit lab to the right molecule lab to the left Recipe #2 Recipe #1 Writing and Grammar is a disliked subject with my two boys. We did Writing and Grammar for the first half of the year. The other half of the year we do literature. They get to choose a book to read. Throughout I will assign them questions they have to write at least a paragraph. At the end of the book, they have to write a book report. Then they choose a biography to read. They will have to draft a report on what they have learned about the person. My oldest son Daniel read War and Peace last year. This was quite the feat for him. He mostly enjoyed it. He said it was action-packed until close to the end He felt it became more like a Jane Austen book with romance and drama. You will find in homeschooling not one child is the same. My two boys for sure have two different personalities, but they also have two different learning styles. I have to be more direct and involved with my youngest son Joshua. Whereas Daniel the oldest I can give him his assignments and send him to his room to do his work. He works very diligently on his own. My youngest struggles with dyslexia and on some level ADHD. He also has trouble with reading comprehension. These were some things I struggled with when I was younger as well. These are some things we have been working on since we started. I do change things up often for him. It seems to help with his focus better. There are so many resources out there to help you with homeschooling. There are many different kinds of curriculums. Where I live, they also have a homeschool library where you can get a curriculum for free, and they accept donations. They are a great resource to utilize. Moms who have homeschooled their children are another great resource to utilize. They are more than willing to give ideas. Just remember that not everything will work for you that worked for them. You do what works for you and your family to help your children to be able to thrive out in the world. Find things they are enthusiastic about and incorporate them into your day. Learning is supposed to be about growing but it should also be fun. I hope this encourages those who are out there homeschooling already or are just starting. Find a good support system to help you. I am thankful to have such a great support system around me to help in my homeschooling journey. Check the laws for your state. Find other homeschooling families in your area. Pray and ask God for strength and wisdom because you will need it. If you have any questions, please email me and if I don't have an answer, I will do some research and find one. Have a blessed day.
- Our adventure at Rodizio's
We go to Fort Collins for a competition for our two boys every year. Every year we eat at the same restaurant. This year we were trying a new place on the recommendation of a couple of people. This place was Rodizio's. The first thing I do when trying a new restaurant is go online and do research. I looked up the menu ahead of time to make sure Will could eat there with all of his allergies. They are excellent at listing all ingredients and what foods are allergy-friendly. Their menu sounded amazing. I was so excited to try this place out with my family. We made a reservation online to get our table quicker. When we arrived at the restaurant we were seated right away. We met friendly staff right off. Our server's name was Grace. She was so friendly and knew the menu well. She could tell us what my husband could and could not eat. That included the salad bar and sides that they had too. She explained to us how the system worked. She gives you what looks like a small dumbbell. One side is painted red, and one side is painted green. Green means keep bringing us food. Red means stop bringing us food. If you lay it on its side, it means you are ready for dessert or the check. We put ours on green and our adventure ensued. We began eating at the salad and sides bar. I tried not to get too much right away. Then they began bringing us meat. Each person who stopped had a different type of meat, vegetable, or fruit. They would slice a piece off for you, and you would grab it with the small tongs you were given. I tried lamb for the first time, and it was delectable. My favorite was the garlic-crusted beef. It just melted in my mouth. Everything there made me do a happy dance at the table. It was so delicious I did not want to stop eating. They brought out this grilled pineapple that I believe had brown sugar on it. It was amazing. We finally had our fill. When I say we I mean my husband and two teenage boys. I was done a while before them. I wanted to save room for dessert. I have to pick on my youngest here. They brought a display tray with all the choices for dessert on it. I decided on the flan. It's the one in the far-left top corner. The boys chose the same to share. Joshua went to grab the dessert off the tray. He did not realize that it was plastic and only meant for display. We all had a good laugh about that one. We still give him a tough time. Let me just tell you though, that flan got a happy dance all by itself with yummy noises. It was like eating the silkiest dessert you could imagine. I only ate about a quarter of it and gave it to the boys to finish off. The atmosphere of the restaurant was quiet yet lively at the same time. You could tell everyone was enjoying their time there. We absolutely loved our server, Grace. She was one of the best we have had in a long time. It is expensive, but with the amount of food you wind up eating and the excellent staff, they are worth every penny. It was such an amazing and fun time with our boys. We love making memories with them and are glad we had an excellent restaurant to make them in as well. Thank you Rodizio's for such an amazing night. Try this place out or try new foods. Always take an adventure. Always make memories.
- Wisdom in Proverbs
Last November, I decided to challenge a group of friends to study the book of Proverbs. We read one chapter of Proverbs to correspond with the days in November. Even though I had never attempted to go through a whole book before, I found it challenging to stay consistent. However, creating a Facebook messenger group Sisters in Christ helped me to stay accountable; we would check in with each other to remind each other to be in the Word. This study time was perfect for me as it involved more than just reading the Bible. It required meditating on it to gain a deeper understanding. As my pastor always says, Bible reading is not just a check mark on our list saying it is done. Get into the Word and study what you are reading. When I began studying Proverbs, I changed my approach from the way I had done Bible reading before. First, I read the chapter repeatedly, then I looked up other verses connected to the chapter and read study notes at the bottom of the page. Additionally, I used a commentary for the first time. The journey into the book of Proverbs was captivating to me. Pictured on the left are notes in my own Bible from this study. To begin our journey, it's essential to understand the foundational context of the book of Proverbs and its authors. Although Solomon wrote some of Proverbs, multiple authors contributed to the book. The book was likely written during the time of Solomon and complete no later than during Hezekiah's reign. We can immediately see the theme of Proverbs in chapter 1 verse 7. "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction." Its goal was to show God's people how to obtain wisdom and how to avoid folly. I have gained so much knowledge and understanding through studying the book of Provers and I am thrilled to share it with others. I hope to encourage people to dive deeper into the Word and grow in their knowledge of the Lord. When you gain a deeper understanding of God's Word, you can share it with other and help them grow as well. Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you have any questions please email me and I will try and find you an answer.
- Difficulty in Trusting the Lord
Is trusting an easy feat? Do you find it hard to trust those around you? Do you struggle with trusting in God? How can I trust in someone I cannot see? Why should I trust someone who has hurt me? Do any of these questions sound familiar? Have they gone through your head at one time or another? Whether they are about God or a person, is this something you have struggled with like me? This is going to be a vulnerable post for me. I struggle with trusting in people and God. I am learning the process of trusting God more quickly. By learning to trust in God more He will give the strength and wisdom when it comes to trusting people. Someone gave me advice once and they said, "You are thinking like God as a human father. We know that humans can let us down or break that trust. God is a heavenly Father who is faithful until the end." Isn't this statement so true when our thinking of God is skewed? When we do not understand or know our God, we will not trust him like we should. You only trust someone when you know them on a deeper level. We will not know God this way if we do not consistently learn about him in the Word. There is the idea that trust needs to be earned. There is nothing more He can do to earn our trust. He sacrificed his only Son to die for our sins. Jesus willingly sacrificed himself as his Father's will. How better to prove your love for someone than to give up your life? What would you sacrifice for God? Luke 9:23-24 says, "And he said to all, "If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will save it." Dying to oneself shows complete trust in God. This is difficult to do because of our sinful nature. Trust can mean something different to each person. I asked close friends of mine what trusting in God means to them. Here is what they had to say: "To me, it means emptying myself of all my desires and expectations, and completely leaning on Him in acceptance of His will in my circumstances."-Kim "Trusting God means complete confidence that no matter what happens or how painful or bad it seems, God is in complete control and doing things for my good. Of course, He defines good for us in Romans 8:28-29, and that is to be conformed in Christ's image."-Jessie "To trust in God means to believe in every promise in the Bible and allow God to be in every aspect of your life."-Heather I think they defined it even though there is a slight difference in each of their definitions. To me, it is wholeheartedly being confident in Him and His character. It is being confident that He will do what He says He will, and that he will not act contrary to His character as we countless times in the Bible. Trust is a choice based on faith in Christ. I think of the story of Job. In Job 1:1 it says, "There was a man in the land of Uz, whose name was Job, and that man was blameless and upright, one who feared God and turned away from evil." (my emphasis with the underlining) Later in the chapter, we see that Satan goes before God and says that if He would take away what Job had he would curse God. So, God told Satan that he could touch what Job had but not Job himself. So that is what he did. Job lost everything including his children. Then in Job 1:20-22, it says, "Then Job arose and tore his robe and shaved his head and fell on the ground and worshipped. And he said, "Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked I shall return. The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away, blessed be the name of the Lord." In all this Job did not sin or charge God with wrong." (my emphasis with italics) Wow! What trust in God and His faithfulness. How many of us can say that we would not rant and ask God "Why?". When Daniel was two years old, he was mauled by our family dog. He was within one-quarter of an inch from losing his eye. I will admit I did ask God "Why?" as I was angry such a defenseless child was hurt in my care. I had so many wonderful people in my life who supported and encouraged us through prayer and God's word. I even had a couple I did not know stop us in the hallway of the hospital and pray over Daniel and his recovery. This was a hard time for me, but I learned more to trust in God and his faithfulness to me. This was a growth in my faith. In Chapter 2 of Job, Satan causes Job to have boils over his whole body. Job's wife (who is supposed to be his helpmate) tells him in verse 9, "Do you still hold fast your integrity? Curse God and die." Woah! Where is the support? I think of my wedding vows "In sickness and health". In verse 10 Job says, "You speak as one of the foolish women would speak. Shall we receive good from God, and shall we not receive evil?" In all this Job did not sin with his lips. In verses 11-13, Jobs' friends come into the picture. In these verses, we see they sit and mourn with him. They start with support for Job, but we see in chapters 4-5, 8, and 11 that his friends tell him that he must have done something wrong that has happened to him. Yet he still trusted in God to take care of him no matter what. I am currently learning in my bible study group that we can praise God despite our circumstances. We see throughout the Psalms that David still praised the Lord even through his sufferings. Back to Job, his friends raked him over the coals for his faithfulness to God. Then in Job 32, Elihu (the youngest of all the friends) rebuked his friends for not encouraging Job with wisdom. They kept telling Job what he did wrong. Then in chapter 33, he rebukes Job. He tells him haven't you spoken words to me about repentance and faithfulness to God? He says in verses 29-30, "Behold, God does these things, twice, three times, with a man, to bring back his soul from the pit, that he may be lighted with the light of life". In Chapters 34-37, he encourages Job with truth. In Chapters 38-41the Lord answers Job. The Lord tells him all that he has done through the creation of everything and asks Job "Where were you?". In Chapter 42 verses 1-6, Job repents of the doubt he began to have. Then in verses 7-9, he rebuked Jobs' friends and accepted their repentance. In verses 10-15 of chapter 42, the Lord blessed Job with twice as much as he had before. When we trust in the Lord and remain faithful, we will be blessed beyond our comprehension. One of my favorite songs is by Laura Story it is called Blessings. She talks about how blessings come in different forms. We even need to look for the blessings in the rain. Sometimes this is very hard to do. Many times, I have asked "Why?" when things are not good. When there is suffering, I do not want to find joy. I want to wallow, but that is not what God wants us to do. James 2:2-4 says, "Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of all kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing." We have trials so that we can grow in our faith. A favorite podcast I listened to was called Joy Right Here by Sarah Fedorko. It was such an encouragement to find joy wherever you are in your life, even through the pain. Job was a great example of not losing his faith despite his circumstances. This is one of the countless examples in the Bible that I have read and has helped me with my faith and trust in God. I mentioned my son's injuries he sustained earlier. This was a trying time in the beginning, but I soon felt God's presence and was encouraged by so many people. Another way I work through the process is by praying and asking God to help me to have faith in Him and to give me strength to trust Him completely. It is getting easier the older I get and the more I study His Word and seek His presence. During the day I listen to worship music and Christian podcasts. This helps me to keep my focus on him. I also ask family and friends for prayer especially when I am struggling. My pastor has recommended listening to sermons. He said those are a great encouragement to him. There are so many great resources out there that you can read. Nothing can take the place of the Bible, but many authors out there are using their gifts for the Lord. At my church, our ladies' group has gone through many great Bible studies. I have been challenged by each one and have grown through each one as well. It is important to be in the Word every day even if it is listening to it. It is vital to have a strong prayer life. Speaking to God is the best remedy when we truly trust and lean on Him. Keeping your focus on Him will help you with your reactions in your daily life and relationships. How do we keep our focus on him? Listen to sermons, read your Bible, get into a good Bible-preaching church, listen to worship music, fellowship with other Christians, and find an accountability partner. As always, thank you for taking the time to read my blog. If you have any questions, need help finding a good church or resources, please email me.
- Tea Parties with a Little Girl that Lead to Lunch
The other morning, I received a message from my friend with a picture of Petit Fours (little tea cakes). The message said, "This is your official invitation to a tea party." We changed the time to fit everyone's schedule. I picked up another friend, and we were on our way. As we approached the door, our anticipation grew, and we met a beaming 3-year-old girl who welcomed us with a contagious smile. She told us to come on in and see. "Come over here," she gestured towards the table, "let me show you how it's all set up." It was beautiful. Her mother filled the teapots with apple juice or hot water for cocoa and tea. We all sat down, and she served our petit fours. We had the choice of apple juice, hot cocoa, or tea. I chose hot cocoa I have not had that in forever. My friend, the little girl's mother shared that she always opts for apple juice because deep down, she still feels like a kid at heart. Do you have any childhood favorites that still hold a special place in your heart? Gathering around the table with our scrumptious treats, we enjoyed our time of fellowship. This is a special memory and lots of fun. The little girl was an absolute delight! She went out of her way to make sure we had plenty to eat and drink. Her hospitality and kindness were truly heartwarming! None of us were paying attention to the time and stayed longer than we planned. The little girl was so excited to ask us to stay for lunch. Neither of us had anything planned so we stayed. She was so excited to eat lunch with us. The little girl helped her mother prepare lunch. When it was ready they brought everything over to the table. We had chicken, mac and cheese, and a salad. It was delicious, but I think it was the company too. Good company can always make the food taste better. We visited for a while longer until it was time for the little girl's quiet time. She was unhappy she could not stay out with us. After a while, my friend began cleaning up from lunch. She said if we stayed longer she would put us to work cleaning to prepare for a small church group the next night. I told her I had my own house clean so we would go. My other friend rode with me so we left. It was a sweet time of fellowship that I truly enjoyed. This will be a memory I will cherish. The little girl has a special place in my heart. I hope you can find ways to make memories as well. Hope you enjoyed my story of the tea party.
- How I Shop on a Budget and with Food Allergies
I grew up watching my mother plan a menu, make a list, and then go shopping. She would also cut out coupons from the paper to help save money. Continuing this process after getting married was not a big deal. So, when Will and I married, I used what I learned from my mother. Even after having children, I continue. Even today, I do the same thing but a little differently. We have added food allergies for my husband over the years. Adding in the food allergies has made it a bit more time-consuming. I also try to help by only going into town once a week. So, any appointments and shopping are all scheduled for the same day. That morning, I will sit down and plan out the menu first. This usually consists of looking at previous menus and recipes and searching on Pinterest for ideas. I try to avoid repetitive meals. For those of you who know me, I always included burgers as my all-time favorite. I plan and cook three meals a day. Sometimes my oldest will cook lunch. Due to schedules breakfast is pretty easy for us. I cook for Will before the boys are up and also make his lunch. Then once the boys are up, I make them breakfast. Sometimes lunch will be different for me because I eat healthier. Dinner we always eat together unless Will works longer hours that day. After completing the menu, I used a spreadsheet to compare prices with City Market (the local Kroger store) and Walmart. I add all the ingredients I need for the week that we do not already have. Then add items we need that we are out of. I open the City Market app to load coupons onto my card. Then I begin comparing prices. Once that is done, I make my final list. I have a list for both stores depending on which items are cheapest. With food allergies, we had to begin reading labels. It got easier the more we had to look for things. We recognized words and figured out which brands worked. That helped make it go faster. Sometimes I still have to read labels. Depending on the menu we may have to visit other stores. They usually are the Asian Market, Vitamin Cottage, and Sally's. I do my nails so that helps us save money. At both Walmart and City Market I visit the clearance aisles because you never know what you will find. I have found some really good deals doing that. Also, at City Market I look at their discount meat there are usually good deals there. When shopping make sure you look for in-store deals and coupons. I also use their buy 5, save $5. They also have mix and match of so many of certain items and you can get them at a lower cost. When shopping on a budget can be difficult and overwhelming. You just need to think about what works for your family and budget. Then decide whether it is meal planning, couponing, or whatever sales ads you have. If you go into the store with a list, you are less likely to buy things you do not need. Particularly important DO NOT GO SHOPPING ON AN EMPTY STOMACH. It does affect what you buy. Something else that could help is buying the more expensive items like laundry detergent, dishwasher soap, toilet paper, and paper towels on different weeks from each other. That can help on a week-to-week budget. It can also come in handy when you have a membership to Sam's Club or Costco to buy them there. If you shop differently adjust your plan to meet what works for you. It has helped me to stay within budget. There are times when I don't. Usually, there is something special going on that I have to throw in there. I hope this was helpful to you. I know what works for me may not work for everyone. So, start planning, figure out what works for you, and stick with it. I promise you will see the benefits. Have fun planning. As always if you have any questions, please email me.
- Women in the Bible who have made an impact on my Life
There are many prominent women in the Bible, and they have many different roles and purposes. In Titus 2:3-5 it says," Older women, likewise, are to be reverent in behavior, not slanderers, or slaves to much wine. They are to teach what is good, and so train the young women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled, pure, working at home, kind, and submissive to their own husbands." We can learn from their examples and consider them Titus 2 women in our lives. They came from various walks of life and were in many different seasons of their lives as well. We had mothers, sisters, queens, Moabitess, prostitutes, and many other Gentiles throughout the Old and New Testament. The list of women could become quite extensive, depending on how they impacted your life. They have certainly impacted mine, and I want to share them with you. Each woman brought her unique character to each situation. They learned obedience, trust, courage, compassion, and perseverance. Let us begin our journey through the Bible by finding these great women and how God used them mightily. My husband and I struggled to get pregnant for two and a half years. Doctors told us that I had fertility issues. We discovered I had PCOS and was able to change my diet and exercise to help me. During this period of struggle, I read Hannah’s story in 1 Samuel 1-2 and saw her complete trust in God that he would fulfill his promise. She vowed to dedicate her son to the service of the Lord in the temple. Once Samuel was of age, she took him back to the temple and gave her son to the Lord so he could serve him. Hannah showed her gratitude and worship by completely trusting and obeying God. This was a character I needed to develop in my life. Gratefulness should not be dependent on my situation. I also needed to learn how to completely trust and obey God. It is an ongoing process. Esther was another woman in the Bible who had a characteristic I hoped to develop in my own life. I wanted the same courage she had in the face of persecution and a sinful culture. Her uncle Mordecai told her she needed to go to the king and plead for her people the Jews. Haman was going to have them all killed. He told her she was not safe just because she was in the palace. She explained that she could not go before the king without being summoned or it would be death. She was scared. Mordecai also said “For if you keep silent at this time, relief and deliverance will rise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish. And who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” Esther 4:14 She heard him and decided to take a stand. She prayed and fasted before she went before the king. When she went before him, she was afraid, but he loved her and put out his scepter for her to approach. She invited the king and Haman to a banquet. Then she invited him for a second banquet. The second one is where she told the king about the plan to kill her and her people. Haman was the one who died in this story. Her courage to follow the Lord’s will and not her own was very encouraging to me. I often repeat to myself “Be an Esther” when I am afraid to share the gospel or do something I know the Lord has pressed on my heart. Thus, the blog happened. I am often encouraged by Proverbs 31. In this chapter, King Lemuel’s mother taught him about watching carefully for the woman he marries. Verses 10-31 lays out the qualities of the Proverbs 31 woman. I have previously said that she always felt like an unattainable woman. She was too perfect of an example to follow. As I have studied more about her and seen in the Bible what God says I see that she is our example, but we are not to be copies of her. We are to serve the Lord in our house and bring him glory. We need to have a home that shows a picture of God’s love and our worship of Him and can be used for Him. There are various ministries we can do in our home. We have friends from church every Monday night for dinner. In this ministry, my husband and I are encouraging younger couples. We have flock meetings at our church once a month on Sunday evenings. We have families that open their homes to host these. There are so many ways we can minister to others through our home. A few ways are hosting missionaries, or if you have a smaller home it could be used for counseling. It does not matter if we have the grandest house in the world or a smaller one, or serve gourmet food or a simple homemade dinner. You serve and minister for him in each season that we are in and with what we have. Remember the woman who gave her last coin and Jesus said she gave more than the richest person. She gave everything she had and not just a part. So, look for ways you can serve and minister for him in your church and your community. As always thank you for taking the time to read my blog. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
- Coffee Talk
This week, I was contemplating what to talk about. So here we are discussing my love for reading books. I love finding others who love to read and love to discuss books. The only question I do not like to be asked is, "What kind of books do you like to read?" I am not set on a specific genre of book. The only genre I absolutely would not like to read is horror. The best part about reading a book is getting sucked entirely into the story. I love being so connected to the characters that I could talk about them like real people. The best books are the ones that you still think about after you are done. They are books you can read repeatedly and not get enough of the series. I also love reading a book and then recommending it to friends. Then they read the book, and you can discuss it together. Sometimes, they read the next book before you can get it and can't tell you anything so they do not spoil the story. Yes, this has happened recently. But I still love her (LOL!). She reminded me that I was not very patient for her to get done with the first book either. I joined a book club at my local library, and it has been so much fun. I recommend others find a local book club to join. In mine, we come from all walks of life and have different views. But I love that we have so much fun discussing the various things we learned from the books we read. We recently discussed Susan Orlean's book, The Library Book. It was an intriguing book and not something I would have chosen myself. Glad I did, though. This book begins with a backstory on the author. She explained that when she was a child, she felt wonder and magic whenever she went to the library with her mother. She was transported into another world each time she picked up a book. Through the busyness of life, she lost that zeal for the library she had as a child. Her son needed to write a report about someone who worked in the city. He chose a librarian. So, she took him to the local library in Los Angeles. She learned the history of that library, but she also rediscovered her passion and love for the library. She decided to write a book about its history and discovered a story about a fire that occurred over 30 years ago and remains unsolved today. She explains in the book the importance of the library. She said it would be a shame if libraries did not exist anymore. While writing this book, she went around the central library in Los Angeles, talked to each librarian, and saw their different jobs within the library. She saw how they provided a safe place for much of the community. So, this got me thinking about how the librarians at my library might feel about the library in our community. I decided to ask a few. I spoke with Rose Marie (librarian) and asked why she loved the library. She said that if you consider the library a community, it can paint a different picture of what it could be to so many people. It might be a building, but it is so much more. She said there are so many different ways to tell a story. Whether through a book, storytelling, computers, or various programs they offer. When I spoke to her you could see the excitement in her eyes and hear the passion as she spoke. She loves the library and loves to help people. After we were done, I asked her if she thought anyone would be willing to talk to me about their love for the library. She said we could ask. I spoke to S. Carroll (the Regional Branch Manager for my local library). He told me a story about a scar he received at the library. When he was younger, he was excited to visit the library. He was running, tripped on his shoestring, and hit his head on a shelf. He has the scar today, although it was not very visible. He smiled as he told that story, so the library has a special meaning to him despite the scar. He mentioned that he did not grow up with a lot, and the library was a warm and safe space he could come to. He shared with me the mission of the library: To enrich lives and build community through opportunities to learn, discover, create, and connect. He said he thought of himself as a community builder. Community is significant to him. He sees the library as a place where people from different walks of life can connect and have conversations. He saw this as a way for us all to grow as people. He said the library helps in big and small ways in the community. They started working with the Kids Aid program, which provides food bags for the weekend. Families can pick them up when they need help with food. He told me they give out 50-100 bags. He said he feels the library is a great equalizer for socioeconomics. They help so many people with so many different programs: Assisting people to get their GEDs, helping people with citizenship tests, and I know they offer help with technology. There is a teen club where they can gather, hang out, and meet new people. I see so many different ways the library helps our community. I told him I love the book club and Wendy, who runs it. I informed him one of the things I enjoyed was that everyone there was from different seasons and walks of life. We all have different political views and faiths, but we can sit around and discuss a book and have an enjoyable time. It is great when we can talk civilly to each other about different ideas. I also enjoy the various perspectives that each person brings. He told me that tolerance for everyone is promoted at the library. I could also see his love and passion for the library. I appreciated their willingness to share their thoughts about the library and what made it unique to them. At my library, they have such kind and considerate librarians. They are always available and willing to help anyone who has a question. I began to consider how I felt about the library and reading books. The following is a description I want to leave you with. In the quiet corners of libraries, where the scent of old paper mingles with the hushed whispers of readers, there exists a magic unlike any other. It's a magic woven from ink and imagination, binding generations together across time and space. The love for reading transcends mere words; it's an affair of the heart, a dance with characters who become confidantes and plots that unravel the mysteries of existence. As we turn the final pages, we leave the library's embrace. Yet, its enchantment lingers--a promise that every book holds a universe waiting to be explored, and every reader is a traveler on an endless journey. So, let us cherish these sanctuaries of knowledge, these portals to other realms, for within their walls, the ordinary becomes extraordinary, and the mundane transforms into wonder.