We are going to be reading through Chapter 1 of Proverbs. Open your Bibles and read along as we study Chapter 1. In my Bible, Chapter 1 is broken up into three sections. The first is the Beginning of Wisdom (1-7). The second is The Enticement of Sinners (8-19). The last one is the Call of Wisdom (20-33). Let us dive in and see what Chapter 1 discusses: gaining wisdom or being a fool.
The Beginning of Wisdom
At the beginning of the chapter, we are told that wisdom is practical. We use wisdom in our everyday lives. We are also told that wisdom is for everyone. Verse two says to know wisdom is to understand words and have insight. The Proverbs are for us to know wisdom; so, we need to pay attention and listen as we read through each of the chapters. The word "instruction" in verse two means discipline, by which men are trained. "Understanding" in verse two means the words that help us see the distinction between good and evil. This is why it is so important to know the Word of God. In verse three we see that by receiving the instructions we obtain the qualities of one in a right relationship with God. Verse four says, "To give prudence to the simple and discretion to the youth". The definition of prudence is the divine wisdom that illuminates our choices. The definition of discretion is the quality of being wise, reasonable, and prudent in choice and use. We need to be in the Word of God to gain wisdom.
In the introduction, we saw that wisdom comes from God. Wisdom also comes to those who hear and can be taught. It helps if you are teachable no matter what season of life you are in. We will not

always want to hear in those teachable moments especially when it hurts. But those are times when God is growing us and changing us to be more like him. If it does not hurt or is not uncomfortable then we are not growing. We want to be constantly growing to be more like him. We do not want to be like the church in the book of Revelation, where we have lost our first love. The more you know God the more you will love him. The way to know him more is to be in his word gaining the wisdom he has provided.
Verse seven talks about "the fear of the Lord" and that it is the beginning of wisdom. This "fear" requires humility at its foundation. When we embrace humility, we become more receptive to God's teachings and allow the Holy Spirit to guide us. So, humility is needed to gain both knowledge and wisdom. Also in verse seven, it says that fools despise these things. They are indifferent to God's character. As Christians, we are to emulate God's character and not be a fool in our choices and actions. Those who are not humble will not be willing to gain knowledge and wisdom. They will not want to learn.
The Enticement of Sinners
In verses 8-19, the author gives us a warning and tells us what happens to those who give into the temptations of the foolish. There is pain and suffering following the path of fools. Verse 13 shows an example of I Timothy 6:10 which says, "For the love of money is the root of all evil, which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows." We need to be careful what we let take root in our hearts. Deep roots are hard to remove. Verse 19 says, " Such are the ways of everyone who is greedy for unjust gains; it takes away the life of its possessors." We sing a song at our church with our kid's club called If Sinner's Entice Thee.
If sinners entice you don't give in. Say No, Say No
If sinners entice you don't give in Say No, No, No!
Say No to your friends who want you to sin.
Say No to the devil who wants to win.
If sinners entice you don't give in Say No, No, No!
Be careful with the people you let into your inner circle or community. We want only those who encourage us in truth and keep us accountable in our walk with God. In Luke 5:18-25 we see the story of the paralytic man whose friends brought him to Jesus to be healed. When they could not find a way inside, they lowered him through the roof. In verse twenty it says, "When he saw their faith, he said, "Man your sins are forgiven." It was because of his friend's faith that he was healed. That is why you must have fellow believers in your inner circle.
The Call of Wisdom
In verse 20-22, the author says, "Wisdom cries aloud in the street, in the markets she raises her voice; at the end of the noisy streets she cries out; at the entrance of the city gates, she speaks: "How long, O simple ones, will you love being simple? How long will scoffers delight in their scoffing and fools hate knowledge?" Wisdom is making herself known. She is calling to those around her. She wants everyone to follow her. She wants everyone to gain understanding and not remain among the foolish. In verse twenty-three she tells us to turn away from our sins and the foolish, she will pour out her spirit on us so we will have understanding. In the notes in my Bible, it says that Wisdom speaks in a way the evokes the words of the Lord. Verses 24-33 tell what happens to those who do not listen to Wisdom and follow after fools. She will not be there for them when they cry out to her. The author says in verses 27-28, "When terror strikes you like a storm and your calamity comes like a whirlwind when distress and anguish come upon you, Then they will call upon me, but I will not answer, they will seek me diligently but will not find me." I do not know about you but I do not want to cut myself off from the help and guidance that the Lord provides us.

When we follow our path, it will lead to foolishness and trouble.

Following God's path, we will gain wisdom and understanding. We will be guided through whatever we are going through.
Verses 31-32 say, "therefore they shall eat the fruit or their own way and have their fill of their own devices. For the simple are killed by their turning away, and complacency of fools destroys them;" But in verse thirty-three she tells us, "But whoever listens to me will dwell secure and will be at ease, without dread of disaster." The warning in verses 27-28 means do not wait to seek the Lord, eventually it might be too late. He will no longer hear you. In verse thirty-three, however, we are given hope if we listen and follow after the Lord.
Listening to wisdom seems like so much better end of things. We gain so much when we search for wisdom. We can have understanding, peace, security, comfort, and guidance. We are not left alone to our own devices; we will have a helper. I take comfort in knowing I will not have to go through anything alone. God is always with me. My pastor's wife said, "I'm not sure that seeking wisdom always provides instant comfort.... But there is a comfort in knowing that I am obedient to God when seeking wisdom."
So, as we go through Proverbs, let's look for ways in each or our lives to seek wisdom and God's guidance. You need to find ways to keep God in the center of your life. Whether it is reading your Bible every day, listening to worship music, being in church when the doors are open, or surrounding yourself with fellow believers. Thank you for taking the time to read and should you have any questions please contact me.