I know it has been a while since I have posted here. I have missed writing. My surgery was on July 12th and my recovery has been a struggle. The funny thing about recovery is that it usually requires you to be still and rest. I did not think it would be hard to do, but boy was it.

First of all, I wanted to let everyone know that my surgery went well. The doctors were pleased with the entire process. They did tell me it was one of the largest thyroids they have ever removed. I was only in the hospital one day. I was so ready to go home! I left the hospital with a drain tube in my chest. My wonderful husband and sons were the best nurses. Will took my vitals that we had to watch over, emptied my drain tube, helped in the shower, and also took walks with me. I did not know how much my balance would be affected.
I went back to my doctor about 3 or 4 days later. I was having my drain tube removed (Wow! Did that hurt!) He checked my scar and checked to see how it was all healing. I got a good report and was told to rest and take it easy.

Here’s where the wrench was thrown into the plan for resting and healing. My sister who lives in China and her husband Jack (whom we had never met) came to visit. I was so excited. I may have overdone it by being busy. She tried to get me to slow down and listen to my body. I was just having so much fun doing things with them. Then my sister from California came out for the bridal shower for my (at the time soon-to-be) sister-in-law. I was even more active. They tried to get me to slow down but I was just enjoying having them all out here.
The surgery affected my vocal cords and recovery there has been very slow. My voice was really deep, and I struggled with the realization I could not sing. Since then my voice has improved, but still wears out. I can sing but it is not base anymore, but it is not yet alto either. My doctor told me I just needed to be patient and let it heal. This has been extremely hard for me since I love to sing, especially at church. That is one of the hardest things is to stand there in church and not join in the worship.
It has also taken me a while to get my energy back and begin to feel normal again. They were able to get my thyroid hormone leveled out with medication. I did not realize how long it was going to take to recover. I was thinking I would be back to normal in no time. No such luck. I have discovered I am not a patient person. Through this God has shown me some things I need to work on in my life.
I need to learn to say no to some things. It is a fear I struggle with of disappointing someone. I tend to take on too much. After my brother's wedding, my husband, the boys, and I went on our annual camping trip. I was able to get some much-needed rest. I was able to sit on the couch and read. I read three books by the way. I took some beautiful walks with either my husband or our dog. I enjoyed the slow pace.
Coming back from the camping trip and trying to jump into the routine was not easy for me. I was still struggling with energy and being able to focus clearly. I still struggle with this, but it is getting better each day. I also am listening to my body more and know when I need to slow down.
Here is a quick before and after picture. You can tell such a difference in my neck.

Before surgery
After Surgery
Thank you for all the prayers and encouragement I received during this time. I appreciate the thoughtfulness of my family and friends. Everyone is such a blessing from God. He knows when to bring people into my life. He also has given me people who will speak truth to me whether I want to hear it or not. I am excited to get back into the swing of writing for you again. I have many ideas for many topics.